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Mrs. Bullock


Phone: (734) 994-1919 Ext. 16202

Mrs. Leslee Bullock


Dear Burns Park Staff & Community,

It is my esteemed pleasure to introduce myself to you as the new assistant principal. I am Leslee Bullock, a sixteen year Ann Arbor Public Schools leader and educator. I come from the distinguished Angell Elementary, a National Blue Ribbon School of the district. At Angell, I served as Lead Teacher under the mentorship of Mr. Gary Court. I live nearby in Canton with my husband and our three amazing children: the athlete, the actress, and the comedian. We love road tripping and learning up close and personal about our country’s history.

Over the past four years I have had the pleasure to serve the students of this district as the Principal of the Rising K and Summer Academy Programs. The Rising K program is one that I am proud to say I founded, grew, and sustained. It started as a learning opportunity at Angell. Then, it grew into a district program, supporting students and families throughout the community. The Rising K and Summer Academy opportunities have allowed me to prioritize my passion for education, positively affecting the lives of our most valuable assets, our students and their families.

Alongside serving as Lead Teacher and Principal of Rising K and Summer Academy I have been a leader among educators as a Science Curriculum Instructional Specialist. Planning and leading professional developments for many years has given me valuable experience as an instructional leader and coach, which is expertise I will bring as the assistant principal. 

During this year of the global pandemic I have served as a Teaching and Learning Network Facilitator for Kindergarten. This leadership opportunity allowed me to see full scale the need for self-care and wellness for all staff and students alike. I also had the opportunity to continue the social justice work that has always been the thread of my fabric as a human.   

Through all my leadership work, I have been able to reflect on how my personal identities impact my work in education. As a Black woman, I understand how many communities can feel marginalized in educational spaces. As your assistant principal, I aim to foster learning environments that build and uplift communities of people who are often silenced. I am proud that Ann Arbor Public Schools are unified in the work and commitment to social justice through the training and resources they provide their educators. I understand that this work takes patience, empathy, transparent communication, and bravery, which I am ready to exhibit and foster as your assistant principal. I’ve lived as a social justice advocate all of my life.  I know that progress will be attained for those who are in it for the long haul. The goals of social justice may not be quick and neither will my commitment to equity in education.

My overall goal as the assistant principal is to cultivate educational spaces where students, teachers, families, and all other stakeholders feel like they are represented in just, inclusive, and equitable ways. I look forward to meeting you all.  Please, feel free to reach out with any questions, thoughts, or concerns. I have an open door policy and would love to get to know everyone. I am thrilled to be part of the community and cannot wait to begin our collective work together! 


Leslee Bullock, M.A. 

Assistant Principal 

I do my best because I’m counting on you counting on me - Maya Angelou