Research links
Research Links
Destiny: Burns Park School Media Center online catalog, sometimes known as "The E-Cat".
World Book Online: This link will give you access to Early World of Learning, Kids, Student, Discover, and Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos. Username and Password available from Miss Erdstein in the Media Center.
Clever: a single sign-on service that will gain you access to Khan Academy,, Desmos Graphing Calculator, Discovery Education, and Typing Club
MEL Kids: The Michigan Electronic Library's Kids Site. This includes some fun ways to learn online, good stuff for school, books to read or listen to, Michigan facts, and lots of other cool info. Don't forget to check out databases, like Storyline Online, NoveList K-8 Plus, and Britannica.
Kidrex: KidRex is a fun and safe search for kids, by kids! It is powered by Google Custom Search™ and use Google SafeSearch™ technology.
Pixabay: Free high-quality images you can use anywhere.