5 links
Fifth Grade Links
Hour of Code: The Hour of Code is a one-hour introduction to computer science, designed to demystify code and show that anybody can learn the basics. Here are the tutorials.
FBI: Safe Online Surfing: Welcome to FBI-SOS Cyber Surf Island! Here you will learn all about cyber safety and digital citizenship. Play the 7 games on your island in any order. Then, take the test with your teacher-provided code.
Digital Passport: Web-based games and videos engage 3rd - 5th graders in independent learning about critical skills related to digital safety, respect, and community. This is the student login page.
Welcome to the Web: Work your way through this site to learn valuable information about the Internet.
Son of Citation Machine: Citation machine helps students and professional researchers to properly credit the information that they use.
ALA Youth Media Awards: This site lists, describes, and links to winners of the American Library Association Youth Media Awards.